Pastoral Care

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church is a family church where everyone knows everybody. This is a welcoming church that takes her ministry to members within the faith community serious. We do visit our members on the sick and shut-in list on a monthly visitation plan, respond to various emergency calls, offer counseling when it is needed and send Christmas baskets to most of our members on the sick list.

I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me…just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.

Matthew 25:36

Pastoral Ministries of Stephen’s Church provide spiritual support to people and their families who are facing illness, loss, or other stressful situations. Prayer, listening, and sacraments ensure that no member of our parish family needs to face crises alone. At St. Stephen’s, as in most Christian denominations, there is a growing involvement of trained lay people in pastoral care. In the Book of Common Prayer, it states that

“The ministers of the Church are lay persons [as well as], bishops, priests and deacons.”

Eucharistic Ministers bring Holy Communion to homebound or hospitalized members of our congregation on Sundays or whenever needed. If you are in need… If you or a family member is facing an illness, hospitalization, death, or any other stressful life situation, please consider:

  • Our Eucharist of Healing (for yourself or loved one) on Wednesday at 12:15 noon in the Chapel.
  • Call the Clergy, who can visit, provide sacraments, and listen. We also place names on the list of people who receive prayers during our worship services, and/or give your name to a group of people who will pray for you.
  • If you or a loved one is in the hospital and like a visit from clergy, you just have to place a call or talk to any of the pastoral care team.

We are a family community of faith that care for all. ALL ARE WELCOME.

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