Altar Guild

The Altar Guild tasks involve preparation of the Chancel for Holy Eucharist on Sunday and Wednesday, Marriages, Baptisms, Confirmations and Burials. We maintain the vestments, frontal, and linens and keep a supply of wine, wafers, and candles. Each member of the Guild is responsible for one or two months each year and for helping each other out when needed. This year we have had to double up and help each other often due to illness of several members.

The Altar flowers are given by parishioners as an expression of gratitude to God for special events in their lives such as births, marriages, or anniversaries, in general thanksgiving or memory of persons who have died. After Sunday worship, the flowers can be taken to the parish’s shut-ins and hospital patients. Shirley Sadler is responsible for getting Sundays assigned to each parishioner. If there is a Sunday not assigned to anyone, Shirley makes sure there is some type of floral arrangement in place on the Altar. Thank you for a job Very Well Done.

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